Thursday, November 7, 2019

102 Critical Reading and Integrity Professor Ramos Blog

102 Critical Reading and Integrity Quick Write Quick Write What is Integrity? Integrity: 1. adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty 2. the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished. What does it mean to be a person of integrity? Are you a person of integrity? Integrity and Hypocrisy What is hypocrisy? Hypocrisy: the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one’s own behavior does not conform; pretense. Rep. Tim Murphy resigns from Congress after Allegedly asking a Woman to have Abortion. Member of the Pro-Life Caucus Research Any questions on research? We are researching not to find a ready made answer to our problem, but to find evidence to examine and support the answer we come up with. There is no perfect source, but sources that will help us to learn about the topic/point/problem we are researching. It is up to you to come up with a solution to the problem and support it using reliable evidenc.e Chp. 2 Critical Reading Active Reading Previewing Author: You can discern information from the author or the author bio. Place of Publication: may reveal subject, style, and approach. Title: May give an idea about the text. Context: Consider the situational conditions the text was produced. Context of production Content of consumption Skimming: Pay close attention to headings and subheadings. Look for the Thesis. Thesis: The main point or major claim The First and Last Rule Authors place main points of emphasis at the beginning and ending of essays, paragraphs, and sentences. Reading with a Careful Eye Underline, highlight, or annotate the text. Read for the main points, or important points. Do not highlight everything. Read with a purpose. Read to understand, question, and analyze the text. â€Å"This; Therefore, That† To arrive at a coherent thought or series of thoughts that will lead to a reasonable conclusion. Follow the text you are readings thoughts as well as your own before reaching a conclusion. Define Terms and Concepts Read carefully to how the terms and concepts are used in the argument. Define words and concepts. Summarizing and Paraphrase Summary: Say briefly what the whole adds up to. Paraphrase: a word-by-word or phrase-by-phrase rewording of a text. A translation of the author’s language into your own. Why summary and paraphrase? validate  the basis of your argument. clarify  the complex ideas contained in a text. support  your argument lend authority  to your voice help you build new ideas  from existing ideas on the topic. Paraphrase, Patchwriting, and Plagiarism Quoting: Copy word for word Paraphrase: reword a point or idea. Summarize: the main idea of a text. Patchwriting: produce a medley of borrowed words and original words. Plagiarism: Submitting the work of others intentionally or unintentionally as your own. To avoid plagiarism, carefully track your notes, paraphrases, and summaries. Strategies for Summarizing Summarize paragraphs so you can follow the threads of the argument. A summary can be a sentence, a paragraph, or a page long. Depends on how much room you have and how much you need to include. Summary does not include your own thoughts. Summary does not include your own thoughts. Summaries can be for reading comprehension, but in essay writing the point is to assist your own argument. Remember when writing a summary you are putting yourself into the author’s shoes. Critical Summary A longer summary that you intent to integrate into your own argument, and with your own ideas interjected. Introduce  the summary. Explain  the major point or argument the source makes. Exemplify  by offering one or more representative examples. Problematize  by placing your assessment, analysis, and questions in the summary. Extend  by tying the summary to your argument.

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